علماء يكشفون عن وجه رمسيس الثاني الحقيقي بتقنية متقدمة مشاهدة مباراة البرازيل وكولومبيا في كوبا أمريكا الآن (0-0) سماء مصرنا الحبيبة الحرارة في العشرينات.. تعرف على مدينة مصرية بأجواء شتوية في عز الصيف عاجل| بيان هام من الأرصاد المصرية بشأن حالة الطقس اليوم الأربعاء عاجل| تعرف على موعد إجازة رأس السنة الهجرية في مصر والإمارات العالم يترقب ظاهرة فلكية نادرة: انفجار نجم "تي ضفيرة برنيس" مصر: مهرجان العلمين يحقق تريندا عالميا بعد الإعلان عن تفاصيله
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The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India

Let in thy eyes vest skies Here the secret of eternal fragrance lies. In these philosophical poems, Dr. Jernail Singh Anand takes a dig on man who is stinking because he is full of himself. The second poem ‘Furniture’, he focuses on the pleasure notes of birds, simply because they know they have to go tomorrow. What makes

An Ethical Hollow Haunts Academicians, Philosophers and Scholars

Only a sense of righteousness, rather a philosophy of right conduct can deliver mankind from the ethical hollow – Dr. Prasenjit Biswas Two books ‘The Master’s Voice’ and ‘Transformations’, selected poems and philosophical articles of Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, release globally Chandigarh, India

Yoni-Lingam symbols in Rock Art of Sindh

Presumably, the Yoni-lingam motifs were open-air temples in the mountainous region of Sindh Aziz Kingrani In Sindh, Rock carvings are more common in the hilly areas of the Khirthar mountain range, especially in the boundaries of Dadu district. The ancient rock carvings on the mountains of Sindh are unique from the rock carvings found in

Daily life in Insa-dong – A Poem from Korea

That alley embraces even the song that seems to have been abandoned. The streets of Insa-dong shared with each other Cho Sung-Min, a poet from Korea, the Land of Morning Calm, shares his poem Mr. Cho Sung-Min, Doctor of Law, is a Korean poet. Born in Hanam, Gyeonggi-do, Cho debuted in the literary magazine Munyesajo in 2005 and is

Conference: Teaching Russian Language and Literature in a Multicultural Environment

The VI International Scientific and Practical Conference on “Methodological Innovations in the Practice of Teaching Russian Language and Literature in a Multicultural Environment” will be inaugurated on May 31 The VI International Scientific and Practical Conference on “Methodological Innovations in the Practice of

Reflections on Mother’s Day – Poems from Canada

How to forget the transition, from infancy to crawling Dr. T. S. Anand, a renowned author, based in Canada, shares his poems Dr. T.S. Anand has authored, edited and co-edited 18 books of creative literature and criticism, and published research papers on Indian English Literature, American, Afro-American and American-Jewish