علماء يكشفون عن وجه رمسيس الثاني الحقيقي بتقنية متقدمة مشاهدة مباراة البرازيل وكولومبيا في كوبا أمريكا الآن (0-0) سماء مصرنا الحبيبة الحرارة في العشرينات.. تعرف على مدينة مصرية بأجواء شتوية في عز الصيف عاجل| بيان هام من الأرصاد المصرية بشأن حالة الطقس اليوم الأربعاء عاجل| تعرف على موعد إجازة رأس السنة الهجرية في مصر والإمارات العالم يترقب ظاهرة فلكية نادرة: انفجار نجم "تي ضفيرة برنيس" مصر: مهرجان العلمين يحقق تريندا عالميا بعد الإعلان عن تفاصيله
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Life magazine

World Poets call for immediate ceasefire and humanitarian assistance in Gaza

The appeal by over 1010 world poets has been addressed to all presidents and leaders of world countries WPM HQ, Medellín, Columbia World Poetry Movement (WPM) have gathered more than 1010 signatures by world poets in more than 140 countries on an appeal to act for immediate ceasefire and humanitarian assistance in Gaza. The

POETIC CRAFT – A poem by Iconic Marathi Poet Neha Bhandarkar

Whenever some bare truthful poem is recited wearing the cloak of untruthfulness, then and there finishes over the natural beauty and meaning of the poem Author of 16 books in various languages, Neha Bhandarkar shares her poem Neha Bhandarkar, hailing from India, is widely published Iconic Marathi Poet, embellished with numerous

Meaning of shade – Poems from Korea

Once, I ran breathlessly up a hill, toward a waving flag. I walked without stopping, towards the faint rainbow. Lee, Hee Kuk, an eminent poet from Korea, the Land of Morning Calm, shares his poems Lee, Hee Kuk is an eminent poet of South Korea. He is Pharmacist and Adjunct Professor of College of Pharmacy, The Catholic University of

Song of Belief – A Bouquet of Poems from Uzbekistan

I wander in the gardens of my dream, when the surroundings are under the moonlight. Jakhongir Nomozov, a young poet and university student from Uzbekistan, known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture, shares his poems Born on January 24, 1997 in Pop district, Namangan region of Uzbekistan, Jakhongir

Lapis infernalis – A Poem from Egypt

She owned nothing in life but her body; she gave away her body when she desired Yasmine Hussein, a lecturer at the Department of English Language and Literature, Alexandria University, has translated the Arabic poem of Maysara Salah El-din, an Egyptian poet, playwright and translator Maysara Salah El-din Maysara Salah El-din is

"Life" Mourns the Mother of the Editor-in-Chief of (CAJ) International Magazine

The magazine "Life" extend its sincere condolences on the departure of Christiana or Adebobye, the mother of the editor-in-chief of the Congress of African Journalists International Magazine Michael Adebobye. the Congress of African Journalists International Magazine, the International Journal of Free Press, published a