شاهد| أول لقاء بين محمد صلاح وحسام حسن في منتخب مصر.. ماذا حدث؟ تابع مباراة الشارقة والوحدة في نهائي دوري أدنوك الإماراتي (0-0) تابع مباراة ريال مدريد وبوروسيا دورتموند في نهائي دوري أبطال أوروبا (0-0) مؤتمر: ابتكارات منهجية لتدريس اللغة الروسية وآدابها في بيئة متعددة الثقافات لو طفلك أقل من 9 سنوات.. شروط وطرق تقديم الصف الاول الابتدائي في مصر بكاء رونالدو وشماتة نيمار يتصدران الأكثر بحثا عن جوجل هدى الإتربي تتصدر «X» بـ هاشتاج مسيء.. ايه الحكاية؟ حملة شرسة على محمد صلاح.. علاء مبارك يهاجم وقناة إسرائيلية تشعل الأزمة
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Heba Hendawi

Let the undertaker be sorry

“Let us endeavor so to live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” This very inspiring quote by the famous writer Mark Twain rings a bell in my head every time I hear that someone passed away. I open The Noble Quran and here is a very awe striking verse: “Neither heaven nor earth wept over them, nor

I am busy said the Sea

“I am busy”, said the sea. “I am busy, think of me”. I remembered Sir Cecil Spring Rice’s poem when I sat idly on the seashore one day. “I am busy,” said the sea, “I am busy. Think of me, Making continents to be. I am busy,” said the sea. I started watching the

Artificial beauty and Artificial Intelligence

Everything around us is either artificial or natural. Look around and you will find that you are blessed with flowers, fruits and vegetables, blue skies, stunning landscapes and a lot of divine bounties that not only add to the quality of our lives but are also a joy to behold. However, some items are seasonal and we cannot have them all the

Once upon a childhood

In a warm friendly gathering I started talking with my friends about our childhood joys. We came from different countries and cultural backgrounds yet we shared the same memories and in no time the place was overwhelmed by sighs and wet nostalgic eyes. Childhood memories for us united our feelings and we were all talking enthusiastically

Happy crutches: a limp and a smile

When anyone encounters a problem in life, this person has one of two choices: to collapse or to challenge. Collapse, anger or submission is an easy choice; you have to do nothing. The moment your life changes with a phone call, an accident, an x-ray or a blood test the easiest respond is to cry, scream yet do nothing to change it or resist.

The first child and the last farewell

When the last parent departs their children mourn. Sorrow dominates the air. However, of all their off springs the is one whose grief is unlike her siblings especially when the father or mother reaches old age and so does this very child. It’s their first baby. This child who is steadily approaching her fifties lived a full life with