شاهد| أول لقاء بين محمد صلاح وحسام حسن في منتخب مصر.. ماذا حدث؟ تابع مباراة الشارقة والوحدة في نهائي دوري أدنوك الإماراتي (0-0) تابع مباراة ريال مدريد وبوروسيا دورتموند في نهائي دوري أبطال أوروبا (0-0) مؤتمر: ابتكارات منهجية لتدريس اللغة الروسية وآدابها في بيئة متعددة الثقافات لو طفلك أقل من 9 سنوات.. شروط وطرق تقديم الصف الاول الابتدائي في مصر بكاء رونالدو وشماتة نيمار يتصدران الأكثر بحثا عن جوجل هدى الإتربي تتصدر «X» بـ هاشتاج مسيء.. ايه الحكاية؟ حملة شرسة على محمد صلاح.. علاء مبارك يهاجم وقناة إسرائيلية تشعل الأزمة
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Heba Hendawi

Split humanity!

Who lives on this planet? Animals, birds, plants, micro-organisms and humans. We, humans may not be the majority of the creations yet we are the ones controlling the planet because we have brains and reason. We, people, live together on the same earth and share the same land, air and sea. We differ in our ethnicities, languages, features and

Can you be a human in wartime?

Human beings are supposed to live in peace with each other. They share life and work together for a mutual welfare. However, sometimes, transgression happens from one side against another. A group of people, a nation or a country decided to attack another for one cause or another. Sometimes it is a legitimate cause and other times it is not.

Where there is a will.. there is a way!

We all meet challenges in our lives. There isn’t anyone who has never encountered an obstacle; big or small, throughout life. From the very beginning of our lives we grow thinking that life is a bed of roses but day after day we realize that this is not the case. Life is full of challenges and sometimes we get the opposite of all what

Safety and peace of mind

“Safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.” How can we define the sense of safety and security? Dictionaries explain the words but do we practically comprehend the concept compared to other feelings that we experience in our lives? Did we ever render safety as a great blessing?! To be safe is to worry about nothing; to lay down

To be a translator

The 30th of September of each year marks the International Translation day. The whole world celebrates translation and translators. This day was chosen specifically to honor St. Jerome the first translator of the Holy Bible. The keen concern of transferring knowledge from one nation to another and from one language to another is not a new

Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway

How can a mother be accused of kidnapping her own children? With tearful eyes and a throbbing heart I watched “Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway.” I was so much touched by the movie that is based on a true story not only because I am a mother but also because I lived in the west for some time and I fully understand what it means to be