Human knowledge is limited in comparison to the knowledge of God. God is the one who bestows a fragment of His knowledge upon humans, and as it's said, "You have been given but a fraction of knowledge."
There are variables and constants in what humans arrive at in the fields of theoretical and experimental sciences.
If we contemplate the relationship between God and humans, we find it variable from the human side and constant from God's perspective, even though it's a direct relationship without any intermediaries between us and God.
Humans have the freedom to believe or disbelieve; God has granted this choice. Whoever wishes can believe, and whoever wishes can disbelieve.
Thought is variable; theories are not constant. The physical world is ever-changing, as the laws governing matter are dynamic and transformative. However, if we look at religion in our lives and question whether religion is constant or variable:
If we consider religion since the creation of humans and confine it to the matter of monotheism, then it is constant. But if we discuss the matter of divine laws, it is variable, for each has been given its own law and path.
Monotheism is the foundation of religion. However, worldly affairs are variable with time, evolving as per human needs and the progression of eras. While the relationship with time might be relative, it's always changing based on the needs of humanity. Therefore, there are certain constants in divine laws, but beyond these, the needs of humans and the advancements in their lives necessitate change. This is why we find varying constitutions across nations and governments.
Philosophy is variable. Each philosophical school has its own thoughts, which may align or differ from other schools concerning the creation of the world, existence, the physical world, and the spiritual world.
Humans encompass both the physical and spiritual worlds. Depending on their choice, they can be materialistic, spiritual, confused, or a blend of the material and spiritual. They are physical in body, desires, instincts, emotions of love and hate, and spiritual in moments of triumph over their desires.
Experimental science is ever-evolving. Science is the only field that progresses and innovates. Since the industrial revolution, what has happened in the past two centuries is beyond human imagination: the laws of gravity and relativity, the invention of electricity, airplanes, cars, medicines, atomic and hydrogen bombs. Science invents and innovates, yet humans can use it to destroy themselves and the world. This is what we are witnessing and what might transpire in the days to come, given the technological revolutions in communication. The future holds advancements we can't even fathom yet, including nuclear inventions, biotechnologies, and genetic manipulations.
The dialectic of science and religion, the constant and the variable within or between them, is a Sisyphean debate. For both science and religion emanate from a single source: God. And God knows while we only possess a minuscule portion of His vast knowledge, granted to us so we can navigate life.
Knowledge is an immense ocean. The crucial point is how we reach the shore safely, for the only constant is change.