MORAL CRIMES AND LOSS OF CHARACTER The Stone City – Poetry from Albania Basra existed – Poetry from Iraq Haiku Poems from Croatia SAJDA: THE THANKFUL GESTURE & MAN’S GOOGLE PLAY Time of Longing – Poetry from Albania Book review: ‘My Feudal Lord’ by Tehmina Durrani Miss of Freedom – A Poem from Albania
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Transmutation – Poetry from Italy

Is the transmutation of love refusing to die! Maria Errico, a poetess from Italy, shares her poems Maria Errico, a poetess from Italy, has a degree in philosophy. She was Member of Fisd-Coni (Italian National Olympic Committee) during the

Spring Flower… – A Bouquet of Poems from Italy

In a season of life, where the spring, it seems truly infinite to us! Maria Caputo, an eminent poet and writer from Italy shares her three poems Maria Caputo is a poet, writer and songwriter. She was born in Villamaina, a small village in the

Sindh faces dearth of psychiatrists

Currently, there are a total of 140 psychiatrists in Sindh while twenty districts of the province have no psychiatrist – Dr. Karim Khawaja Psychiatrists conducted checkup of more than 700 patients at a one-day free psychiatry medical camp held

"Life" Mourns the Mother of the Editor-in-Chief of (CAJ) International Magazine

The magazine "Life" extend its sincere condolences on the departure of Christiana or Adebobye, the mother of the editor-in-chief of the Congress of African Journalists International Magazine Michael Adebobye. the Congress of African

Life Arabia mourns the nephew of journalist Nasir Aijaz

With hearts believing in the decree of Allah, we mourn with profound sadness and sorrow the passing of the virtuous personality, Rashid Ali Memon, the nephew of our esteemed journalistic colleague, Nasir Aijaz, who departed from this world this week.