The Hollywood film industry has notably increased its production of movies about environmental and health disasters, as well as extraterrestrial and strange beings, especially since the mid-80s. Such big-budget productions have become a staple on their agenda.
For those unaware, and lest they be shocked, movie production has transformed from being "artistic" works to "intelligence agency" operations, aiming to control the minds, emotions, and most importantly, the human behavior of the audience, especially the so-called "reactions".
Before elaborating on this, allow me to briefly explain "Pavlov's Dog" experiment.
Pavlov's theory is a vital principle in educational and behavioral psychology that explains many "behavioral reactions". It posits that any neutral environmental stimulus can induce strong physiological and psychological effects if it occurs simultaneously with another stimulus capable of provoking a reflexive physiological or psychological response.
Whether this simultaneity is deliberate or merely coincidental...
Pavlov's theory emphasizes the conditioned association between external stimuli and the involuntary reflex responses of humans or higher animals. This is precisely our topic today. When Pavlov observed the behavior of a dog when presented with its favorite food, he noted a "conditioned behavior". The dog would salivate at the mere approach or sight of the food, even before actually consuming it! This is known as "conditioned association".
To ensure I'm not accused of conspiracy theorizing, let's perform a simple examination of Hollywood movies. I urge the reader to join me in counting: How many films depicted the destruction of the "World Trade Towers" before their historical known demolition? And how was it indicated that the act was a terrorist one, then evolved to be an "Arab" terrorist act, and eventually "Islamic"!
How many films have we seen where a "virus" isolates the world from human contact and interaction, confines people to their homes or hospitals, spreads through respiration, and people wear masks and maintain distance from one another? Even the prayers of Muslims are portrayed in their movies with them praying spaced apart!
All of this before the actual emergence of the "Corona Virus"!
The zombies before the appearance of "Flakka", the veterinary drug that turned people on American streets into zombies! And the extraterrestrial beings and so on...
The idea is to condition the "collective" mind to be prepared and even accept the upcoming event, well before it happens, so that the conditioned reaction is "ready and prepared"!
What I've been fearing for a while now, ladies and gentlemen, is that I've seen numerous films where landmarks like the "Eiffel Tower" in France and the "Pyramid of Khufu" in Egypt are destroyed!
However, the cause always seems to be some world villain or extraterrestrial creatures!