35-Day World Culture Festival to begin in Karachi on Sep. 26 A roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling existence Ballad of the Non-Existent – Poetry from Italy Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy MIRROR – Mystic Poetry from India A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea' A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


"Shalimar Sharbatly... The story of an Egyptian artist who paints on luxury cars (video)"

The program "El Settat," broadcast on "Al-Nahar" channel, hosted Egyptian artist Shalimar Sharbatly to reveal the story behind her artwork on some of the world's most expensive cars. Shalimar Sharbatly shared that she began in the field of drawing at a young age, working in her mother's atelier, who graduated

To My Father

To the great heart and fortified fortress that clung to my name, establishing its base, strengthening its pillars, and crafting its history. To the one whose memory continues to console me whenever nostalgia overwhelms me and my suffering prolongs. My pen humbles itself and bows down before you, apologetic... We have disrupted your

"Seals of the Dilmun Civilization and the History of Economic Renaissance"

In an adventure charged with ambitions and challenges, the Sumerian king "Gilgamesh" set off from Mesopotamia after being shocked by the death of his close friend "Enkidu". He headed towards the island of "Dilmun" which is now known as "Bahrain and the eastern Arabian Peninsula", hoping to meet the sage

The controversy of writing a memoir

From The Confessions of Saint Augustine, to I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai, Becoming by Michelle Obama, Eat Love and Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert memoir writing was a means of expressing one’s self, mere venting or conveying a message. Memoir writing is telling others about your very special life. When someone decides to write about

BlackBerry Movie... A Resounding Fall!

Perhaps the most important question you should ask yourself before climbing a mountain is, "how will you settle on its peak upon arrival?" The movie "BlackBerry 2023" explains to you how to reach the peak quickly and also how to fall from it in a moment. The mistake might not be in reaching, but in realizing that