35-Day World Culture Festival to begin in Karachi on Sep. 26 A roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling existence Ballad of the Non-Existent – Poetry from Italy Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy MIRROR – Mystic Poetry from India A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea' A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


History of Drink... Completing the Emotional History of Egyptians

Published by Dar Rawafed Publishing and Distribution, the book "Egypt's Palaces: Rise and Fall of the Human State" by author Mahmoud Khairallah has been released. The author touches upon a delicate and mysterious point that hasn't been previously unveiled. This subject requires a dedicated book based on factual documents and

Saddam Hussein... Lest We Forget

The memory of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's assumption of power; when this phrase is presented to us today after so many years, fleeting images from a long history pass through our minds, if only for moments. This is especially if you were a witness to those events firsthand, or if you chose to revisit and understand them later

The Novel Responds to Readers' Tastes

Whoever has the chance to visit libraries and places of books and magazines sellers in squares and main streets now will see a dazzling novel invasion, and perhaps will not find a single poetry collection or a single short story collection amidst this abundance of novel publications. During a field trip, I asked one of the book sellers at

1st WPM World Congress Held in Medellín and Caracas

The World Poetry Movement is a coordination of international poetry festivals, poetry projects and poets from more than 170 countries that, through the globalization and realization of poetic actions, seeks to contribute to the construction of a new humanism for the twenty-first century, permanently promoting intercultural dialogue through

Diaries of June 30 Revolution.. (Obama's Call to Morsi)

News on the morning of Tuesday, July 2, 2013 The Presidential spokesperson releases a statement at 1:30 am declaring that democracy is the only way to solve the crisis and differences in vision. He also states that the President was not presented with the armed forces' statement, and he knows nothing about it. He continues to say