Each of us gets their share of pain as they await their share of happiness.
God has timings in your life that suit you first and foremost.
I personally believe that the purer you are, the harder your journey is... but it is fruitful!
In my youth, I had blind faith in everyone around me. With the naivety of youth, I imagined that there was no excuse for anyone not to be honest, trustworthy, and deserving of trust.
The shame I felt when I made mistakes was a heavy burden I didn't want to bear. I imagined that everyone else held the same convictions as I did.
Decades passed, I grew up, and I discovered that the number of blows I had taken would have been enough to build a barren city!
I really don't know how I had all this capacity to endure.
I have always been convinced that the default is kindness until the person in front of me proves otherwise… I refuted this saying once and for all.
The innocence of children is killed by years of deception!
A man never becomes a child again after maturing; not because he has grown older, but because of the creeping of the malicious onto his land, who eat away at the goodness of his life and then leave when they have had their fill.
I imagine myself if I were living in a lonely forest, my spirit would not have been damaged, and the wrinkles of scoundrelry would not have grown on the walls of my worn-out heart.
As a child, you imagine that everyone deserves a chance to prove the quality of their heart until the day comes when you discover that you have given a chance to everyone from those who deserved it to the last despicable wretch, who overwhelmed you with his meanness and exploded his defects.
The beauty, my friend, is that despite the shallowness and disgrace of some people, they were the ones we learned the most from!
When you arrive at convictions that you apply forcefully and do not deviate from, nor make any exceptions for anyone, know, sir, that today you have reached your maturity.
Sometimes, some friendships are like politics, there is no safety in them.
My friend, secrecy is not brave in anything, your strongest survival is when you feel what hurts you, become aware of it so you can change it.
No one sees you as you deserve to be seen, some insist on seeing you as dictated by the "pus of their mind".
I am certain that everyone I gave love to, whether they deserved it or not... returned to me and to those I loved.
My message today is not to stop trusting others, but to be serious about who you waste that trust on.
Not everyone deserves a first chance in the first place. There are people whose shallow little minds are so damaged, you would imagine that you have a flaw that bothers you.
You will find helpless categories of people who astonish us with the darkness of their hearts and the fabrication of their souls, these do not deserve to be near you, donate them immediately.
There is a scientific truth that says that some amputations are necessary because some mental pus turns into "gangrene" from which there is no hope of recovery.
Insight is the light that God throws into your heart to see whether you are a fading wastrel or a wise and composed person.
There are some parasitic plants like the "hamoul" or "the creeper" that rely on their host plant for life and sustenance.
These are rootless plants that wrap around the host in an intertwined helical motion like a snake, sucking nourishment from it effortlessly, even the seeds of this parasite retain their vitality for up to twenty years.
My God … how similar are those plants to those who have healthy legs but ride on your shoulders, presuming that they have an unconditional right to your support, neither bound by love nor time... an eternal possessiveness that is killing and repellent.
To clap, you need both of your hands to make a sound, anyone who goes so far as to lose one of his hands will have to clap with one hand on his face, seeking support and solidarity.
No one knows how your days go by, no one really knows how much misery you keep inside to appear happy, and no one is certain of how many hardships you endure while you still maintain a human heart.
Hearts are like cities, and there are those who own a dilapidated house that cannot be renovated; it was designed from day one to be fragile.
My friend, I urge you to continue being as beautiful as you were, even to increase in grace and charm that overflows onto everyone around you.
But I also urge you to carefully filter who deserves to be by your side and who deserves to have the door shut on them, leading to a hidden vault in the Great Pyramid that no one has yet discovered.
Every minute consumed by a worthless fool is a minute that could have been rightfully spent with someone who stands lovingly by your side, but the naivety of your consciousness made you careless.
Your companion may leave you halfway through the journey, but the companion of your heart is that dweller who takes up residence in its solitude, only leaving his home to the one who succeeded him when it comes to inheritance.
From this day forth, let not suspicion and disengagement bother you. Stay close to your awareness and focus on what drives your journey forward.
The best thing you seek while you're still fine is peace of mind.
This blessing, which may take you a whole lifetime to attain, will cost you many necessary losses. Once you find it, the unease is erased from your heart and the entanglements of the journey depart from you. You become as you began in your childhood, noble in status, ascetic of heart, honored, respected, and then, human.