O Lord, O God of the universe, who exists before all ages and remains forever, creator of goodness, treasury of virtues, abundant in mercy and generosity, the owner of the kingdom who generously grants truth, justice, peace, and security. Your sun shines on the righteous and the wicked, and Your sustenance showers upon the virtuous and the sinful, who made everything possible and without whom nothing could exist. You have given me life to make the best of it and guided me to the path of salvation, and with You, I have overcome the world.
I ask You by the virtue of Your Holy Name, which I recite at all times, to ease my affairs, pave my paths, bless my endeavors, and remove all bitterness, anger, and worries from my heart, so that Your mercy upon me is like my reliance on You.
I ask You, by the virtue of Your Majesty, to grant me Your compassion, Your kindness, and Your immense grace and forgiveness, so that my heart may rejoice in Your salvation, and I may sing and recite to the glory of God in heaven and on earth.
I ask You by the virtue of Your generosity to provide me with the necessities of this life and the eternal kingdom, the blessings of all that is good, and protection from all evil, and contentment that is not followed by complaints, happiness that is not followed by sorrow, and health and well-being that are not followed by ailments.
I ask You by the virtue of Your power that, as I have intended, it becomes easy and firm, and to grant me success in every step, guidance in every direction, compensation for everything left behind, and good tidings for what is to come, so that I may strive towards my purpose.
I ask You by the virtue of Your honor to support me, hasten, and grant me victory, to replace my sorrow with comfort, so that sadness and sighs may flee, dispel the misery of despair with hope, elevate my broken spirit, and relieve my chest's tightness with ease.
I ask You by the virtue of Your greatness, O You who open the doors that no one can close and close the doors that no one can open, to bestow upon me the goodness of this life, the goodness within it, and the goodness that follows it, and to protect me from its evil, the evil within it, and the evil that follows it, and to preserve me and my loved ones from all directions.
I ask You by the virtue of Your love, care, and protection for all of us, not to hide Your face from us, and to illuminate us with the light of Your knowledge, the treasures of Your wisdom, and the bliss of Your satisfaction. Sanctify our souls, purify our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our intentions, heal our diseases, forgive our sins, save us from all miserable sorrow and heartache, and surround us with Your holy angels so that we are always protected.
O Lord, You unite us in fasting, even though our rituals may differ, unite us in prayer, even though our timings may vary, and unite us in celebrations without distinction or discrimination. Bless what You have bestowed upon us and accept our fasting, hear our prayers, guide us to follow Your commandments and ordinances, cover us with the shade of Your protection, and satisfy us with the length and joy of our days. You said, "Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." So, O Lord, hear, accept, respond, and bless, for Yours are the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.