Sindhi Koki – celebrating flavours and memories from a Sindhi kitchen The shrine of Bodlo Bahar in Sehwan Sharif BIG BANG: ARE WE GOING FORWARD OR TURNING BACKWARD? 35-Day World Culture Festival to begin in Karachi on Sep. 26 A roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling existence Ballad of the Non-Existent – Poetry from Italy Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


Panel Discussion on Outstanding African Creative Books

The panel discussion on African Creative Books written in English will be held in collaboration with Pan-African Writers’ Association on Feb 25 In collaboration with Pan-African Writers’ Association (PAWA), a Panel Discussion on 2023 Outstanding African Creative Books Written in English: Novels, Drama, Poetry, and

Children’s Literature: Fresh Dream

Short Story of a girl from Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan who had left her homeland in search of livelihood, returns to establish a factory for helping jobless youth, and becomes a successful entrepreneur Barno closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she landed at the Tashkent airport. She felt the aroma of soil was so lovely. The

Shattered Dreams – A Short Story

Story of a girl hailing from a remote town of Sindh who wanted to study for a better future and faces harassment at university University life is full of hopes and happiness, students study in university for different hopes, different dreams, and for different purposes. Where many students dream of learning, many students want to enjoy

Critical Readings in Children and Adolescent’s Literature

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Kufahi, Professor of literary criticism at the University of Jordan, has authored the book ‘Critical Readings in Children and Adolescent’s Literature’ Dar Al-Badil House for Publishing and Distribution recently issued the book “Critical Readings in Children and Adolescent’s Literature,” by

Who are the frontrunners in Pakistan’s crucial elections?

Tough contest is expected between three mainstream political parties: Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan People’s Party A party needs to win 169 seats in the National Assembly, the 336-member lower house of Parliament, to form a government with simple majority KARACHI, Sindh,