The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE
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Men should be armed with all the arts of living. Life is not a dream. It is a fact. A real enterprise. William Shakespeare, in one of his plays, compares life to a stage, and human beings to actors, and the world thereafter has never been tired of using this metaphor over the centuries. But, if we look into this idea with a keener eye, we

Through Ashes and Love: Exploring the Depths of Human Connection in Cormac McCarthy's The Road

“Where there is love there is life” Mahatma Gandhi Cormac McCarthy's novel, ‘The Road’, conjures a post-apocalyptic wasteland where the remnants of love and life are poignantly crystallised in the bond between the boy and the man, and in the mother's sacrificial acts, which epitomise love through death.


The men have turned thankless to the Creator, and in their ingratitude, they are trolling Gods “After the original sin, men have committed a secondary sin also: in their pride, they have turned thankless to the Creator, and in their ingratitude, they are trolling Gods – Dr. Anand All is not well with the scions of Adam.

Varieties of Existence – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina

Calm your soul in the blink of an eye. We gave existence blindly for a species of existence. Maid Corbic, a young poet hailing from Tuzla, Bosnia Herzegovina, shares his poem Maid Corbic from Tuzla, Bosnia Herzegovina, is a well awarded young poet. Many of his works have been published in anthologies and magazines in Chile, Spain,

Flavors of Turkish cuisine bring together Pakistani politicians, officials

Variety of feasts showcased at ceremony held at Turkish Consulate as part of events aimed at bringing cherished Turkish breakfast tradition to global audience Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan The flavor and variety of traditional Turkish cuisines attracted top Pakistani government officials, politicians, businessmen, educators, and journalists