“Let us endeavor so to live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” This very inspiring quote by the famous writer Mark Twain rings a bell in my head every time I hear that someone passed away. I open The Noble Quran and here is a very awe striking verse: “Neither heaven nor earth wept over them, nor was their fate delated.” What? Does heaven and earth weep someone’s death? What kind of person is that? How was his/her life? Death comes to wrap up someone’s existence and a new chance is given to someone else. What makes the whole difference is that what kind of life was it?
Normally, a death announcement should break hearts and bring tears of sadness to the eyes but it is most shocking when it triggers a sigh of relief! It is horrifying that someone’s death is good news to others! What did he/she do? What kind of life did they lead? It is the quality of life and the true essence of existence that makes the whole difference. You can either be a positive impact to others or a curse that torments their souls.
Life is not easy and we are not alone in the journey. We live in a community and no matter how long the stay is, it has to be fruitful. What will cause an undertaker to lament the burial of someone unless he/ she will be really missed? How should anyone lead a life that deserves the tears of heaven and earth as well as humans?
Endeavour! Do your best. First of all understand why God created you and why are you on earth. Fill your heart with love to your Creator and to all His creatures. Follow His path for you will soon return to Him. Succumb to good will and good deeds.
Wear a constant smile. Have empathy towards others. Watch your words for they can have a more severe impact than actions.
Watch your thoughts as they direct your deeds. Hold your horses when angry. Give help to every one even with just a word.
Avoid anger and get rid of any seeds of grudge. Avoid abuse in all its forms. Separate yourself from bad company. Be appositive addition to any gathering. Be kind to all creatures and to the less fortunate. Think of ways to draw a smile on a weary face. Try to give excuses to others before blaming them.
In this life, we can either be invisible or effective. It is a journey that needs wisdom, sacrifice, good heart and flexibility. Selfishness and egoism erase a person’s existence. If you live for yourself only, you will leave unrecognized. Live like a star with an everlasting effect even after its death.