Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE Rasool Bukhsh Palijo – An Undying Beacon of Light – Part-1 An Ethical Hollow Haunts Academicians, Philosophers and Scholars
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


VI Open Eurasian Literary Festival LIFFT -2023 Starts in Cairo

On 28 January, participants of the VI Open Eurasian Literary Festival LIFFT -2023 will register themselves for the opening of the International Film Festival "Art Unites”, to attend the screening of the film "World Champion" (Russia, 2021), Meeting with the twelfth World Chess Champion, Deputy Secretary General of the

15Ambassadors of African Poetry to attend the World Poetry Movement Congress in Medellin and Caracas

In the crucial search for the unity of the poetic forces of Africa, and to make much more visible the immense contribution of the poetry of that continent to the world, the Virtual Congress of the World Poetry Movement (WPM) Africa was held on January 21-22, 2023. About 50 poets attended the 2 days congress, of them there were more than 25

Busan: The Optimum Host for the World EXPO 2030

Co-hosted by The Kookje Daily News and Asia Journalist Association, the World EXPO 2030 Busan Forum will be held in Busan on November 8 2022 under the theme of "Asian Great Transformation." The Forum was organized to check the preparations for the bid and promote Busan Metropolitan City through media in Asian countries. Foreign


REFLECTIONS ON UMAR ABUBAKAR SIDI’S LIKE BUTTERFLIES SCATTERED ABOUT BY ART RASCALS Umar Abubakar Sidi's poetry is one of the most talked about today in the Nigerian literary space, because of its unconventionality and departure from the new body of narratives dominated by water, body, and confessional motifs. Sidi’s poetry

The Arabian Knight of Giving The Accomplishments of HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed

No port, airport or territorial access would stop His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s acts of charity. His honest and sincere intentions are translated into noble goals and objectives represented in charitable actions, following his wise leadership, clear strategy and plans. The humanitarian achievements of His