THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE Rasool Bukhsh Palijo – An Undying Beacon of Light – Part-1
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


Tales of Marriage of Geniuses and Celebrities

The second edition of the book Tales of Marriage of Geniuses and Celebrities has been released by the Egyptian-Lebanese Publishing House for Mustafa Nasr. The book narrates the intricate details of famous marriages, narrating the story in a way that makes you feel a part of it. The author does not merely recount events as historical facts,

"Memoirs of a Husband": A Human and Realistic Work in a Comedic Framework

Actor Tarek Lotfy has successfully secured a spot in the Ramadan marathon. Despite intense competition among major stars in various productions, he achieved great success through "Memoirs of a Husband" with a distinctive performance and a unique theme. In this interview, Tarek Lotfy discusses his views on the development of drama

The Spirit of Heroism

For many decades, the media has served as a primary tool for managing wars and conflicts, whether as a means of rallying and recruiting troops and boosting the spirit of heroism and motivation in the soldiers and people of a country, or as a means of psychological warfare and distorting facts to weaken the morale of the soldiers and people of

UNHCR, Platon launch collaboration to bring refugee voices, aspirations into focus

Portrait of a Stranger, a creative multimedia collaboration between world-renowned photographer and storyteller Platon, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN Refugee Agency, will debut today in partnership with the Movies That Matter International Human Rights Film Festival in The Hague, Netherlands. The

3rd International Translation Conference kicks off at National Library and Archives

The third edition of the International Translation Conference with the theme "Artificial Intelligence: Translation and the Enrichment of National Libraries" commenced today at the National Library and Archives (NLA) in Abu Dhabi. Abdullah Majid Al Ali, Director-General of the NLA, expressed the UAE's commitment to enriching