The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE
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Stop the Fight: Don’t Exacerbate the Hatred That Has Kept Indians and Pakistanis Apart for Decades

Indian Americans should stop patronizing films like the “Fighter” — your next generation is watching. What message are they learning when you not only show up to watch these films, but walk out with an offhand shrug of indifference? This is not a film review of “Fighter.” This is me doing my civic duty of

Dr. NP Tolani: birth centenary of a titan

Nandlal Tolani was born on February 15, 1924 – a 100 years ago; Tolani family were zamindars of Sindh, among the largest in the area around Larkana When Nandlal was born on February 15, 1924 – a 100 years ago today – his home was filled with joy and hope. But nobody, even his most doting parents and grandparents, could

Halal Fashion Show in Korea

A live event was held in Seoul in conjunction with 150 cities around the world A Halal Fashion Show was held in Dongdaemun on February 1st. This is the ‘K-FASHION and Modest Fashion Convergence and Marketing Seminar’. A live event was held in conjunction with 150 cities around the world. New York, London, Paris, Stockholm,

Sally El-Zeiny strengthens image of painter woman in Egyptian and Arab arenas

In Sally El-Zeiny’s recent exhibition, the literature of Naguib Mahfouz occupied a distinguished place Sally El-Zeiny has strengthened the image of the painter woman in the Egyptian and Arab arenas. Her works have such an imprint that one does not search for her signature in order to know that the painting is hers, as it presents the

Happiness has come – A Bouquet of Poems from Kyrgyzstan

Eralieva Umutkan Polotovna, a renowned poet and writer from Kyrgyzstan, a country shrouded in mysteries and legends, and heir to the ancient empires of Central Asia, shares her three poems Eralieva Umutkan Polotovna was born on July 12, 1968 in the village of Kok-Zhar, Nookat district, Osh region. She owns two higher degrees. She