Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy MIRROR – Mystic Poetry from India A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea' I Chose a Dream! – Poetry from Albania One person dies from snake bite every 4-6 minutes worldwide: WHO Sindhi Colony: A Food Walk through the Mini India in Hyderabad’s Midst Jawaher Al Qasimi inaugurates TBHF-Aster Mobile Medical Services in Zanzibar
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


Our Arab Literature and Emerging from Isolation

Our Arab literature has ceased to be isolated islands, but has become closer to each other. Important literary names have emerged in the Arab world, we follow, read, and rejoice in their creativity. These names win high-level literary awards, and courses are held in their names in Egypt and abroad, such as the Abdulrahman Munif and Tayeb

"Fox Fox" Novel: A Diverse Scientific Reference in History, Language, Arts, and Sciences

Have you ever seen a fox walking down the street at ease? Have you invited a fox to your home for dinner? Do the people in our lives masquerade as foxes, or are the foxes the ones impersonating humans? Are they vicious monsters or disguised devils, or does reality surpass all that, but we've gotten so used to it that our eyes and

The Suffering of the Palestinian People

Egypt, under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, believes that the Palestinian issue is at the core of all crises in the Middle East, and that the lack of a comprehensive solution to this issue means the continuation and exacerbation of regional crises. Egypt is making significant efforts to keep the Palestinian cause at the

Ramadan "Trend" Mud-Slinging

The concept of media has changed in recent years, as traditional media outlets now seek to present content in an attractive manner through social media platforms. A prime example of this shift is the talk shows aired during recent Ramadan seasons. These talk shows, featuring artists and media personalities, have lately focused on

Naguib Mahfouz.. An Era of Literature

Since literature is not eaten like bread, as they say, and is poor in the face of inflation, Naguib Mahfouz chose to work in a clerical job at the university after graduation, giving him the opportunity to pursue his main hobby of literature, writing stories and novels, fully aware that novels are more controversial than any other literary