35-Day World Culture Festival to begin in Karachi on Sep. 26 A roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling existence Ballad of the Non-Existent – Poetry from Italy Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy MIRROR – Mystic Poetry from India A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea' A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea
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Diaries of the June 30 Revolution.. (The President's Speeches)

The reality is that the Egyptian street was aware of this since President Morsi began ruling the country. However, this awareness was difficult for the public to accept as they yearned for stability. As months passed, there was no escaping the truth which was hidden within – Egypt was being ruled from the Muslim Brotherhood's

Analysis Laboratory -4-

The Canadian philosopher Alain Dunois says in his book "The System of Triviality": "Triviality has extended its rule over all parts of the world... The trivial have taken hold of the joints of power - as Alain Dunois puts it - and placed their hands on decision-making sites, and they now have the final say and the last word

Is it human weakness or deceit?

Human fate is not separate from others. Our days flow connected with other people’s lives. Our decisions, everyday actions and deeds directly or indirectly affect others. We live together as humans in a community big or small. Whenever we face a calamity or hardship we call for help. We cannot, in most of the times, handle tough

Morning Ramblings – Projective Identification

How many times have you felt a strange sensation overwhelming you, only to realize that you are not yourself? How many times have you questioned those feelings that suddenly envelop you without any preamble... How many times have you caught yourself suffering pain without a reason for the pain!... Angry without a trigger for the

"Morning Chit-chat – Love Alone is Not Enough"

I learned that the rivers of love are not always safe. That the boats of relationships sailing on them increase their chances of sinking and collapsing the sweeter they become. Whoever told you that love alone is sufficient, has deceived you. It might be the spark of the beginning, the start of the journey, but it can never stand alone