Novel: The Interpreter – Chapter-16 Novel: The Interpreter – Chapter-14 Sheikha Bodour inaugurates 1st Sharjah Literature Festival Robots beat surgeons at complex liver surgery Cambodian Journalist Sophal Chhay Elected as 4th AJA President  The Homeland Of Good Evil and God – Mystic Poetry from India Novel: The Interpreter – Chapter-12
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


Morning Ramblings - Nothingness

When we say we are in a state of nothingness... we find it's a term unpalatable to everyone. What are you doing? Nothing!! What are you thinking about? Nothing!! And we find their arrows of accusations directed at us... You're lazy... You're a failure... You don't have goals. You don't understand the meaning of

Artificial Intelligence Crimes

Artificial intelligence has sparked concern about the many ways new tools can be used for fraudulent purposes; from data breaches to phishing attacks, where scammers trick people into sharing passwords or sending money to an unknown account, cybercrime is already one of the most common forms of crime. The victims of cybercrime are numerous

A Landmark Revolution in Egypt's History

The accomplishments achieved in Egypt over the past decade underscore the success of June 30th, which was the real revolution to correct the nation's course. The June 30th revolution was the genuine start for Egypt's return to its leading regional, Arab, and global role, as well as preserving its cultural and civilizational

Diaries of the 30th June 2013 Revolution.. (The Beginning)

After the January revolution, the country passed through many events until the presidential elections were held, and the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate Dr. Mohammad Morsi won. The masses were optimistic, awaiting stability, improved living conditions, and the return of security. But what happened during the full year was not what these

"Shawqi in Search of a Job for El-Zayyat"

Ahmed Hassan El-Zayyat (1885 - 1968) is considered one of the prominent figures of the cultural renaissance in Egypt and the Arab world, and the founder of "Al-Risala" magazine. He was chosen as a member of the language academies in Cairo, Damascus, and Baghdad, and won the State Appreciation Award in Literature in 1962. He was