Novel: The Interpreter – Chapter-17 Novel: The Interpreter – Chapter-16 Novel: The Interpreter – Chapter-14 Sheikha Bodour inaugurates 1st Sharjah Literature Festival Robots beat surgeons at complex liver surgery Cambodian Journalist Sophal Chhay Elected as 4th AJA President  The Homeland Of Good Evil and God – Mystic Poetry from India
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International Day for the Lazy Mother!

I woke up today, as usual, and browsed social media to see the latest updates, follow influencers, and trends. This way, in this day and age, you become a solid influencer! Anyway, this is not our topic right now. I was attracted by the posts celebrating the International Day for the Lazy Mother, which is all over social media pages. I

The Age of Global Deception..

On October 30, 1938, CBS radio network broadcasted across the United States a radio news about the fall of a strange spacecraft in New Jersey, as part of an invasion of extraterrestrial creatures from the planet Mars to Earth. The report confirmed that these beings had already begun building giant war machines and were preparing to destroy

Egyptian Diplomacy

"BRICS" is an economic group comprising of Russia, Brazil, China, India, and South Africa; negotiations for its formation began in 2006 and the first summit was held in 2009. Initially, the group included Brazil, Russia, India, and China, under the name "BRIC"; then, in 2011, South Africa joined, making it

Climate Crisis is War, Poverty, and Extremism

Temperatures are rising year after year; and unfortunately, everyone is in a deep slumber. The world needs a shock to retract from its self-satisfaction regarding the rising temperature of our planet and the unexpected impacts that will follow. Approximately 22 million people are displaced each year due to weather-related events. By 2050,

Dance as Poetry and Painting

Dance is rhythmic movements performed by the body, usually accompanied by music, and is typically an organized way of expressing emotions through visible rhythmic body movements. The Arabic World Encyclopedia tells us that there are two types of dance: theatrical dance, and social dance. Theatrical dance is performed by professional