On September 15, the semi-final round of the 51st International Emmy Awards came to a close. The semi-final events were remotely organized and managed by "Pyramedia" Consulting and Media Production Company for the thirteenth consecutive year, representing the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences based in the United
How can a mother be accused of kidnapping her own children? With tearful eyes and a throbbing heart I watched “Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway.” I was so much touched by the movie that is based on a true story not only because I am a mother but also because I lived in the west for some time and I fully understand what it means to be
Egypt’s land was never uninhabited. When humans knew the life of caves and deserts in the Old Stone Age, they lived on the land of Egypt. As the rains decreased and drought prevailed, they descended to the Nile Valley, finding a place and another source for their basic human needs. Air alone couldn't sustain life. They understood
I haven’t changed, and I won’t change. This is my firm decision that I've made in my life.
I'm still the same person I've always been...
I still believe in love, happiness, and goodness...
However, I’ve learned to be more realistic... I've learned to protect myself from pain, to be more
Hands were tainted and corruption prevailed in the apple box I staked on. Rot spread and expanded after worms infested it. Our era lost its purity and now it flaunts its victories and imposes its dominance. It shed my blood and displaced my children. I lost my initial innocence in front of their eyes. They distanced from me gradually until my