Sindhi Koki – celebrating flavours and memories from a Sindhi kitchen The shrine of Bodlo Bahar in Sehwan Sharif BIG BANG: ARE WE GOING FORWARD OR TURNING BACKWARD? 35-Day World Culture Festival to begin in Karachi on Sep. 26 A roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling existence Ballad of the Non-Existent – Poetry from Italy Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


corruption in the healthcare sector

Corruption in the healthcare sector directly affects human life and hinders happiness and well-being. Corruption not only deprives people of easy access to healthcare and the availability of qualified hospitals but also extends to forgery, fraud, and manipulation of drugs, human organ trafficking, and medical devices and equipment

Half a Sock Taught Me Life

I have the patience of Job when it comes to things, people, and everything that falls within the scope of my life. My son had a pair of socks, and we lost one of them more than ten years ago, but I kept it in a place known only to me. Yes... I am that patient and even more so over the years, and it's not a virtue, but a trait that

Turning Away and Keeping at a Distance

Happiness is when your soul becomes accustomed to sadness and darkness, like the Stockholm Syndrome; you become a prisoner of your habitual sadness because you are familiar with it and it with you. You know when it will come to you and how to deal with it, and you bid it farewell, waiting for a new encounter. It is your constant companion who

The late poet Salah Abdel Sabour

I said to Mrs. Nazima, his office manager: I want to meet the professor! She asked me: Do you have an appointment with him? I said: No, but I am a poet from Alexandria, and I want to meet him. She smiled and said: I have instructions from the professor that any poet who wants to meet him should be admitted immediately. She opened

Their Best Love Poems Face Our Hard Times

"I Won't Find Another You" ; a bilingual anthology of best love poems in English and Hindi, has been published recently. I am grateful to editor and poet Thangjam Misna Chanu (Misna Chanu) who gave me the chance to read the English poems and write the back cover blurb. Santosh Bakaya wrote the foreword, and Ayathuri Santhan