Sindhi Koki – celebrating flavours and memories from a Sindhi kitchen The shrine of Bodlo Bahar in Sehwan Sharif BIG BANG: ARE WE GOING FORWARD OR TURNING BACKWARD? 35-Day World Culture Festival to begin in Karachi on Sep. 26 A roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling existence Ballad of the Non-Existent – Poetry from Italy Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy
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Morning Chatter - Us and Our Souls

The world of spirits is peculiar. It's incredible how those who approach it align, and those who distance from it diverge. It's as if they have hearts that feel and minds that choose, meeting in an unseen and unfelt realm. Unknown, yet astounding. Perhaps the first question that troubles human souls and piques minds due to the

Einstein and the Lost Passion

Without it, our lives turn into routine, colors fall around us, and everything becomes gray. The day begins without expectations and ends without achievements. Dreams fade, energy to get up every morning is exhausted, and we are haunted by the feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. We live without a motive that feeds our spirits and ignites our

Morning Chit-Chat - Sorrow

When sorrow engulfs most of us, we lament ourselves living its moments, so we pass over it with dignity, and create a thousand escape doors to run from the castles of our sadness. We immerse ourselves in life, completely forgetting that it has not left us or vanished, but rather it hid beneath what we called the darkness of the mind. The

A Year Has Passed

Several days have passed since the anniversary of my uncle's departure, who was my beloved and my role model, the great writer Salah Montaser. Of course, these are just dates, and for me, it felt like hours of a long day filled with tears, the day of his death. Far be it from us to object to His divine decree; it is a short journey, as

Beware of Greed!!

Greed is a bad trait that makes a person spiteful, who does not wish well for others, and selfish, desiring only good for himself. Our noble Prophet taught us to embody many good virtues and to avoid reprehensible ones; among the worst traits that we must avoid is the trait of greed. Greed means the desire to have everything, and to