Shooting of the feature film ” ллинил Вр »м b лбил «р” (“Mother’s Daughters”), was successfully completed in Kazan, based on a play of the same name by prominent Tatar playwright Tufan Minnullin. The project is timed to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the author and is being implemented by the State Budget Institution of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan “Tatarkino” within the framework of the State Program “Preservation of the National Identity of the Tatar People”.

The director of the picture is the Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan – Irek Hafizov. The second director was Yulia Zakharova – director, screenwriter, assistant professor of the Department of Film and Television Direction of the Kazan State Institute of Culture. Egor Kashinsky, an experienced film cameraman and a senior professor of the same department, acted as cameraman-production. The producer of the project is Milyausha Aituganova, a professor of the Department of Film and Television Direction, and director of the Tatarkino GBUK RT.
The story of Tufan Minnullin’s “ Истонил Истор Истом b Истобил рияр” touches on current social issues while revealing timeless themes of good and evil, love and family, justice and mercy, betrayal and redemption.

The story tells about several women who ended up in the same maternity ward. Each of the heroines has her own personal, happy or tragic story: one became a mother for the twelfth time, the other is about to raise a child without a husband, the third experienced the joy of motherhood after many years of waiting, and the fourth decided to give up her child. These fates reflect acute social challenges of modern times, such as the problem of mothers refusing their newborns, which in Russia amounts to about 50 thousand a year.
The film’s lite motive is the fate of a woman, who is deprived of the opportunity to become a mother due to past mistakes. The parallel between her story and the fate of the heroine, who decided to abandon her child, is the main idea of the work.
The majority of the filming took place on the premises of the Obstetrician Department of the Perinatal Center of the Republican Clinical Hospital. The final episodes were shot at the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Deviant Behavior “Duslyk”. Let’s remind you that the first scenes of the movie were shot in December 2024 in the territory of the Square. В. Aksyonova. Currently, the painting is in post-production stage.
The main roles in the picture were played by the famous artists of the Republic of Tatarstan:

Milyausha Shaikhutdinova (Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Tatar State Academic Theater named after Galiasgar Kamal); Ilfat Kamaliyev (Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, People’s Artist of the Republic Of Tatarstan, Kazan Tatar State Theater of Young Audience named after him. Г. Karieva ); Kadriya Valieva (movie actress, who played a role in the popular Russian series “Knock on my door”); Madina Gaynullina (Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyev Tatar State Dramatic Theater); Yulia Mashirova (theater and film actress, who played in the movie “Sumbul” (co-production Tatarstan-Uzbekistan, dir. Rashid Malikov, Ramil Fazliev); Аделя Хасанова (Татарский театр драмы и комедии им. К.Тинчурина).
Also in the film: Alsu Faizullina (Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Tatar State Theater of Young Audience named after. Г. Karieva ); Fernat Nasibullin (Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Tatar State Theater of Young Audience named after him. Г. Karieva ); Angie Kamalieva (Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Tatar State Theater of Young Audience. Г. Karieva ); Albina Gaizullina (Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Tatar State Theater of Young Audience named after. .. Karieva ); Ilyas Absalyamov (Kazan Tatar State Theater of Young Spectator named after him. Г. Karieva ); Zubarzyat (Zoberzhet) Khalikova (theater and film actress); Aigul Abyazova (movie actress); Ivan Balashov (theater and film actor); Rezida Husainova (singer, actress, President of the International Association of Tatar National Culture and Cuisine) with her daughter; Young artists of the Children’s Tatar Theater Studio “Apush”.

In addition, medical specialists of the Obstetrician Department of the Republican Clinical Hospital took part in the picture: Nazil Sitdikova, Feruza Garaeva, Guzel Gilyazova, Elmira Idiatullina, Leisan Smirnova, Aliya Sadrieva, Ange Safina, Raila Bikchentayeva.
” нилнил сьр ким b збил .р” goes far beyond the artistic work, becoming an important social message. The painting focuses on traditional family values, emphasizes the importance of childcare and family support, urging viewers to contemplate personal responsibility towards society. The film reminds us that a strong family is the basis of a healthy society, and it is it that shapes the future of the nation.
This project not only continues the legacy of Tufan Minnullin, but also contributes to preserving the cultural richness of the Tatar people, inspiring the younger generation to learn and respect national traditions.
Published under International Cooperation " THE SILK ROUD TODAY"