The book ‘Education in Sindh’, authored by Shahnawaz Mahesar, is a research oriented and a unique work on Sindh written in broad perspective with huge data, facts, and figures
Mr. Shahnawaz Mahesar’s book “Education in Sindh” is written in historical context and sheds light on various topics. It is an insightful read for someone who needs to understand how education has become a major challenge in Sindh today.
The book brings under discussion the basic philosophy of education and how it interacts with the society. It broaches up issues with early primary to university level as well as professional education coupled with technical examinations system, vocational trainings. The book also dwells upon Deeni Madaresah (Religious Seminary) education, allocation of funds and vested interests of political and non-political quarters in spending on education, and state of education in Sindh before the British annexation.
The author has used analytical skills discussion and conclusion with references given in the end. The book is a very pivotal resource for research purposes, for teachers, libraries and for personal collection. Published by SIJJ Publication Hyderabad Sindh 2025, the book is a fruit of dedication, hard-work, and diligent research.

While going through conclusion, the author shares about the ghost schools, ghost teachers, copy culture tempering in assessment of papers at boards, colleges, and universities as well as injustice and favoritism in Public Service Commission. The murder of merit through influence of assembly members, legislatives, and powerful quarters on public service commission, competitive exams and their results and even on quota allocation. It describes in detail how meritorious candidates are deprived of their rights and the rightful position. The deteriorating standard of education absentee teachers 5000 schools are closed buildings of schools used as otaks and cattle yards. The conclusion seems generalization in end have not been supported with facts and figures through a proper methodology using historical method combined with case studies are present.
After 1852, Sindh witnessed revolution in the field of education after opening of new schools, appointment of new teachers, Sindhi alphabets were formed and Sindhi was made compulsory from primary. New text books, literature, poetical work, short stories, and academic literature were published, Sindhi language newspapers and magazines were published which did not only improve communication but also increased the interest of masses in reading and literary arts. Educated class in towns and cities were connected through language and publications which made people aware. Later, the role and performance of Christian missionary schools in Sindh significantly improved the quality of education in Sindh and encouraged more and more girls to enroll in primary schools. The role of Christians remained productive, exclusive while serving in Sindh and they are still serving diligently. The young men of Sindh who passed matriculation or with higher education, taught in schools and received government jobs. Moreover, education during British era was secular and progressive, however, religious education was also provided with funds and resources. After partition Deeni Madaresah increased tremendously received huge funds from Muslim world and now large number of Madaresahs working around cities and towns of Sindh by a religious cum political parties. It’s indeed deep concern for peace loving people and Sufi Sindh. Such Madaresah need modern education with math physics chemistry and biology and social Science so the students get jobs in private and public sector to earn their livelihood.
While history shows that some cultures and civilizations either became extinct, such as Indus Civilization and others. We witness some horrific and brutal policies and strategies of markets to destroy cultures in the name of assimilation. The native tribes of Americas, who once rode freely across the prairies are today confined to reservations having been coerced into giving up their language, land, culture, and life style. The Canadian government has the courage to apologize for the resident school policy, which took away the children of indigenous people from their families to reside in boarding schools to erase their cultural heritage and indoctrinate in to white Christian values and beliefs, what a tragedy of history at cross roads!
They were forbidden to speak their language and all ceremonial practices targeted like Australian aborigines and native Red Indians in America and Canada. Their practice continued well into the 1960s and 1970s – (Durya Qazi, Dawn EOS Art speak) However, the modern world saw case of forced cultural conversion of the indigenous people by so-called civilized societies in the West.
I may mention here the book is truly research oriented and it is a remarkable and unique work on Sindh written in broad spectrum perspective with huge data, facts, and figures.
Shah Nawaz Mahesar’s book Education history is indeed huge contribution, outstanding work; it is insightful, imaginative, innovative, and creative. I congratulate him for his work in form of this book.
Published under International Cooperation with "Sindh Courier"