Novel: A Woman between Two Men – Part-11 The Bruised Soul – The Story of Domestic Violence A Longing – Poetry from Kosovo Identity – Poetry from Bosnia and Herzegovina The Shepherd’s Heart – A Bouquet of Poems from Taiwan Shamawes.. A German Edition of an Egyptian Novel in English Asia Journalist Association (AJA) Celebrates 20th Anniversary In the Kingdom of Death (War Chronicle/Diaries) – Part 31
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Can you be a human in wartime?

Human beings are supposed to live in peace with each other. They share life and work together for a mutual welfare. However, sometimes, transgression happens from one side against another. A group of people, a nation or a country decided to attack

Where there is a will.. there is a way!

We all meet challenges in our lives. There isn’t anyone who has never encountered an obstacle; big or small, throughout life. From the very beginning of our lives we grow thinking that life is a bed of roses but day after day we realize that this

Safety and peace of mind

“Safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.” How can we define the sense of safety and security? Dictionaries explain the words but do we practically comprehend the concept compared to other feelings that we experience in our lives? Did we

To be a translator

The 30th of September of each year marks the International Translation day. The whole world celebrates translation and translators. This day was chosen specifically to honor St. Jerome the first translator of the Holy Bible. The keen concern of

Misna Chanu | The Silent Whispers (Book Review)

According to poetess Misna Chanu, India, the author of “The Silent Whispers”; “Poetry is not just lines of beautiful words on a piece of paper; but it’s a part of moments we lived and living memories we created and still carrying