The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


Everything You Need to Know About Vacationing in Lausanne

Lausanne, the crown jewel of Switzerland’s extensive collection of touristic cities has it all – be it the warm, friendly people, colourful landscapes, vibrant culture and the best dining and leisure outlets. For families, it is a place where it’s possible to simply relax in a sublime setting, do plenty of sightseeing, or

UAE photographers capture the beauty of the desert through Sony’s lens at Tilal Liwa Hotel

Tilal Liwa Hotel played host to a mesmerizing two-night stay and desert tour for the photographers and creative visionaries of Sony Middle East & Africa (MEA). The artistic assembly gathered the region’s biggest and up-and-coming photographers and social media influencers to experience Sony’s Mirrorless camera along with Sony

UAE’s Leading Travel and Tourism Website, Hotel & Rest Turns Five

Iris Media marks the fifth year of travel and tourism website, Since its launch, the website has effectively provided top-notch services and corporate media news, showcasing important tourist destinations, hotels and restaurants across the region and around the world. Commenting on the remarkable success of the website,

Biz Guard’s bid to introduce new credit risks mitigation concepts for financial institutions in UAE.

History of events of credit defaults by entities from trading sector has generally been a discouraging factor for financial sector to engage in financing, which is a sheer opportunity loss for both the sectors as the trading sector contributes to a fairly large part of the country’s GDP. Envisioning the expected positive impact of Expo

Tasleeh Shooting Challenges Companies To A Thrilling Team Building Rally

Tasleeh Shooting proves that fun is for all as it organized action-packed airsoft team buildings for Nawah Energy Company, the UAE’s latest nuclear energy operator and Hewlett-Packard (HP) Middle East, the middle east division of the multinational information technology company. The airsoft challenge drew 25 members of Nawah Energy