Dead air now would make us remorseful – A Poem from Sudan For the lights of Dreams – Poetry from Albania Freezing Nature – Poetry from India The Sweetness of the Nineties The Man who brought Everest to Korea International Sindhi Pakorra Day Celebrated in Baroda Classic Water and Geometric Life – Poetry from Bangladesh A Sweeter Celebration of World Chocolate Day at Bab Al Qasr Hotel
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


1st WPM World Congress Held in Medellín and Caracas

The World Poetry Movement is a coordination of international poetry festivals, poetry projects and poets from more than 170 countries that, through the globalization and realization of poetic actions, seeks to contribute to the construction of a new humanism for the twenty-first century, permanently promoting intercultural dialogue through

The life and legacy of late renowned Ghanaian author Ama Ata Aidoo in a Panel Discussion

The Toyin Falola Interviews, in Partnership with Pan-African Writers’ Association (PAWA) will have a Panel Discussion on Ama Ata Aidoo with distinguished panelists: Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, Bisi Adjapon, Dr. Akwasi Aidoo, and Prof. Peter Amuka, on the life and legacy of Ama Ata Aidoo, the late renowned Ghanaian author, poet, playwright,

The State of artificial intelligence... ChatGPT

Introduction... You do not have to be scared today, nor tomorrow or for any countless years to come, for livelihoods are in Allah’s hands. Review... Certainly, and there's no doubt about it, the definition of a State, according to Wikipedia, is a society in which individuals interact on a specific geographical territory and live

"Our Brothers" Set Paris Aflame Again!

From afar, a terrified young man runs in the dead of night, traversing the backstreets of Paris suburbs, fleeing from ghosts, rushing into the unknown. A small circle of light looms on the horizon, slicing through the darkness, speeding towards the young man until it reveals itself to be a motorcycle carrying two figures shrouded in


Each of us gets their share of pain as they await their share of happiness. God has timings in your life that suit you first and foremost. I personally believe that the purer you are, the harder your journey is... but it is fruitful! In my youth, I had blind faith in everyone around me. With the naivety of youth, I imagined that