Dead air now would make us remorseful – A Poem from Sudan For the lights of Dreams – Poetry from Albania Freezing Nature – Poetry from India The Sweetness of the Nineties The Man who brought Everest to Korea International Sindhi Pakorra Day Celebrated in Baroda Classic Water and Geometric Life – Poetry from Bangladesh A Sweeter Celebration of World Chocolate Day at Bab Al Qasr Hotel
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The World Is One Family Discussed in Art, Media and Literature

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, India, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, School of Media Studies and School of Fine and Performing Arts jointly organized 3-Day International Conference on “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”: Art, Media and Literature, from 17 to 19 October 2023. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Safety and peace of mind

“Safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.” How can we define the sense of safety and security? Dictionaries explain the words but do we practically comprehend the concept compared to other feelings that we experience in our lives? Did we ever render safety as a great blessing?! To be safe is to worry about nothing; to lay down

1000 Poets in 42 Countries Read Poems for Free Africa

The international coordinators of World Poetry Movement (WPM) had their meeting after the one month long campaign entitled Free Africa. In the meeting held on October 8, 2023, WPM General Coordinator Columbian poet Fernando Rendón highlighted the strength and beauty that the World Poetry Movement shown by carrying out 160 actions

A Reading of the Novel "Wad Jeddah" by Novelist Mostafa El-Balki

Do you know "Fahim the tailor"? Of course not. Nobody around him knows this name even though it's his official name on documents. But when you mention "Wad Jeddah", distances and explanatory phrases become succinct. This title, which once was a mark of mockery and bullying, became unique to him. The cover

A Ship and a Seat

In enchanting Istanbul, the capital of imagination, while others might be relishing joy, the elegant lady wasn't sharing the same moment. She rushed miles without feeling the pleasure of arrival, or the beauty of standing before the river. Oh, the sweetness and splendor of Istanbul's rivers! It's as if you're facing your