US Food and Drug Administration approves 'Dupixent' for treatment of bronchitis Daughters: A Divine Gift Poets Celebrate Autumn at "Handshake of the Republics" Festival Love for Life – Poetry from Italy The Egotistical Sublime – Mystic Poetry from India Healing Wounds – Poetry from Peru Never Prayed Before – A Poem from Odisha, India TRENDS participates in Indonesia International Book Fair 2024
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Analysis Laboratory -4-

The Canadian philosopher Alain Dunois says in his book "The System of Triviality": "Triviality has extended its rule over all parts of the world... The trivial have taken hold of the joints of power - as Alain Dunois puts it - and placed their hands on decision-making sites, and they now have the final say and the last word

The State of artificial intelligence... ChatGPT

Introduction... You do not have to be scared today, nor tomorrow or for any countless years to come, for livelihoods are in Allah’s hands. Review... Certainly, and there's no doubt about it, the definition of a State, according to Wikipedia, is a society in which individuals interact on a specific geographical territory and live

Netflix's Cleopatra film draws ridicule from Egyptians: "That's not the queen, that's a cigarette"

The comedic film "Queen Cleopatra" released by Netflix continues to spark ridicule from Egyptians due to its portrayal of the queen who ruled Egypt since the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, as having dark skin. Twitter users criticize the Cleopatra film Yara Abdel Fattah, a Twitter user, criticized the falsification of

Khaled El Nabawy in the Role of the Imam

The Ramadan marathon is characterized by the abundance of works between drama, comedy, romance, action, history, and biographies. Due to the large number of works, sometimes not every work gets the appreciation or criticism it deserves because of the so-called popular series that attract audiences by presenting endless social problems. These

First Asian Congress of the World Poetry Movement (WPM)

Cairo Correspondent: The coordinating committee of the World Poetry Movement (WPM – Asia) announced that the First Asian Congress of the World Poetry Movement (WPM) will be held online this month. The 1st WPM Asian Congress will be held on February 25-26, 2023, starting at 05.00 GMT to explore and celebrate poetry in Asia, to