World Poetry Movement America will organize poetry reading on Feb 28, and WPM Colombia on Feb 29
In repudiation of the Zionist invasion and in solidarity with the struggles of the Palestinian people in Gaza and Rafah, the World Poetry Movement (WPM) América and Colombia are holding Poetry Reading sessions on February 28 and 29.
On Wednesday, February 28, a reading of poems by World Poetry Movement (WPM) América will be held, with the participation of 16 national coordinating poets.
The poets include: Mónica Lanieri (Paraguay), Ana María Oviedo (Venezuela), Alex Pausides (Cuba), Enrique Sánchez Hernani (Peru), Mónica Suárez (Colombia), Oscar Saavedra (Chile), Arturo Desimone (Aruba), Nicolás Antonioli (Argentina), Valeria Sandi (Bolivia), Nicole Cage (Martinique), Guillermo Acuña (Costa Rica), Yvone Weeks (Monserrat), Saúl Gómez (Colombia), William Alfaro (El Salvador), Matt Zedillo (United States). Yasmín Alfaro (Mexico).
On the following day, “COLOMBIA FOR PALESTINE – Virtual reading will be organized by WPM Colombia (Thursday, February 29, 6 pm Colombia time). Participating poets are Liliana Marentes, Carolina Cardenas, Albeiro Guiral, Francy Liliana Diaz Rosaura Mestizo Jorge Valbuena Angelica Pineda-Silva Johanna Cardozo, André Simon Rendón, Chvatal, Manuela Salinas, Romulo Bustos Aguirre, Ahmad Mohsen, Andrés Uribe Botero and Fernando Rendon.
The readings will be presented by Mónica Lucía Suárez and Saúl Gómez Mantilla. Poet will read their own poem and a Palestinian poem. It will be broadcast on YouTube by Quira media and WPM Colombia.
Published under International Cooperation with "Sindh Courier"