Tints of Tender Devotion – A Poem from Sindh DISINTEGRATION – MYSTIC POETRY FROM INDIA US Food and Drug Administration approves 'Dupixent' for treatment of bronchitis Daughters: A Divine Gift Poets Celebrate Autumn at "Handshake of the Republics" Festival Love for Life – Poetry from Italy The Egotistical Sublime – Mystic Poetry from India Healing Wounds – Poetry from Peru
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Einstein and the Lost Passion

Without it, our lives turn into routine, colors fall around us, and everything becomes gray. The day begins without expectations and ends without achievements. Dreams fade, energy to get up every morning is exhausted, and we are haunted by the feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. We live without a motive that feeds our spirits and ignites our

Two Films... for Promising Dreams!

One of the advantages of the film departments established in some universities is that they have provided the opportunity to discover fresh talent with innovative ideas, which may contribute to the change we desire in the form and content of our films. While participating in the evaluation of graduation projects of cinema department students

Egyptian-Angolan Relations

Angola was named after the word "Ngola," which was the name of the king (Ngola Kiluanji) who was in power when the Portuguese arrived in the early centuries. It is considered the second-largest oil producer and diamond exporter in sub-Saharan Africa. The Republic of Angola is located on the western side of the African coast,

The Arab Nobel... Naguib Mahfouz

As my goal in this glimpse is to address Arab youth, who are beginning to place their feet in the land of knowledge and draw their strength from their great civilization, my aim is also to address non-Arab foreign audiences so they can learn something new about our Arab literature through translating the articles into their English and

The State of artificial intelligence... ChatGPT

Introduction... You do not have to be scared today, nor tomorrow or for any countless years to come, for livelihoods are in Allah’s hands. Review... Certainly, and there's no doubt about it, the definition of a State, according to Wikipedia, is a society in which individuals interact on a specific geographical territory and live