Tints of Tender Devotion – A Poem from Sindh DISINTEGRATION – MYSTIC POETRY FROM INDIA US Food and Drug Administration approves 'Dupixent' for treatment of bronchitis Daughters: A Divine Gift Poets Celebrate Autumn at "Handshake of the Republics" Festival Love for Life – Poetry from Italy The Egotistical Sublime – Mystic Poetry from India Healing Wounds – Poetry from Peru
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The 33 Medellin International Poetry Festival (Full Program)

The festival will be launched with a virtual program (July 1 to 7. 2023). On Saturday July 1, 7:00 p.m. Valerio Magrelli (Italy), Sunday July 2, 7:00 p.m. Nuno Júdice (Portugal), Monday July 3, 7:00 p.m. Etenat Awol (Ethiopia), Paul Liam (Nigeria), Tuesday July 4, 7:00 p.m. Horacio Benavides (Colombia), Liu Xunfu (People’s

The Modern Utopia is in Stasis

The Modern Utopia has bestowed upon us a wealth of knowledge and technological advancements. It is a time of media saturation and technological marvels, where information flows abundantly from countless sources. It is an era that elicits appreciation and praise for the opportunities it provides. However, amidst this abundance, we must

May God reward your efforts

When God's command came to His Prophet Abraham to migrate his wife Hagar and their infant son Ishmael to Mecca, leaving them in the desert where there was neither vegetation nor water, our master Abraham took the means and executed his Lord's command. He prayed to his Lord to care for them: "Our Lord, I have settled some of my

"Morning Chit-chat – Love Alone is Not Enough"

I learned that the rivers of love are not always safe. That the boats of relationships sailing on them increase their chances of sinking and collapsing the sweeter they become. Whoever told you that love alone is sufficient, has deceived you. It might be the spark of the beginning, the start of the journey, but it can never stand alone

The Writer's Dilemma in Choosing a Title

Choosing a title is not as easy as it seems. There are titles that present themselves immediately, and others that require a lot of mental exertion before we arrive at them. Perhaps, even after we arrive at them, we reconsider them once more. For me, the title of my first novel, "Editor-in-Chief," was ready before I started