Dead air now would make us remorseful – A Poem from Sudan For the lights of Dreams – Poetry from Albania Freezing Nature – Poetry from India The Sweetness of the Nineties The Man who brought Everest to Korea International Sindhi Pakorra Day Celebrated in Baroda Classic Water and Geometric Life – Poetry from Bangladesh A Sweeter Celebration of World Chocolate Day at Bab Al Qasr Hotel
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


An Opinion on "Children's Literature" in the Arab World

Children's literature remains marginalized in most Arab countries, perceived as second or third-tier literature, much like detective novels. Consequently, critical studies of this literature are almost nonexistent, except for a few academic studies and dissertations for master's degrees. The public criticism is very distant from this

BlackBerry Movie... A Resounding Fall!

Perhaps the most important question you should ask yourself before climbing a mountain is, "how will you settle on its peak upon arrival?" The movie "BlackBerry 2023" explains to you how to reach the peak quickly and also how to fall from it in a moment. The mistake might not be in reaching, but in realizing that

Is the translator a messenger or a censor?

Translation is a text transferred from one language into another. The aim of this process is to exchange experience, information as well as inclusion of the other in a talk or meeting. For ages, translation was the means that brought people closer. It bridged the gap between civilizations and nations of different languages and backgrounds.

And We Have More

I have been, and continue to be, a proponent of what I termed the "One in a Million Club." The concept is simple: our beloved Egypt's population has exceeded one hundred million by several millions. Still, let's limit ourselves to one hundred million. The idea is to select one creative individual from every million in each

To a Girl Named Alexandria

I drew you among the lines of my hands You became my tomorrow You became a daylight to my sun And you became a prayer for myself And you became the conscience of the seas I love you… Telephone booths and buildings ask about us And the twinkle of a star on a clear night I love you… Footsteps ask about us And a