In law, the age of majority is the age at which a person can assume legal responsibility for themselves and be granted the rights of an adult, such as the right to marry, have children, vote in elections, and possess a driving license.
Most countries in the world set the age of majority at 18, while others set it at 15, 16, 17, and some
Mohamed Sami excels at reading the audience. He combines many seemingly incompatible stories but possesses the skill to make what is theoretically impossible fall under the umbrella of the popular logic that yearns to reconcile contradictions. With Sami, you will always discover that he bridges the gap between ice and fire, black and white,
With the immense accumulation witnessed on the internet day by day, even hour by hour, for our news, emotions, compositions, photos, and videos, we find ourselves in front of a vast library or a huge repository of documents that accurately describe our lives. Our children and grandchildren will be able to access our pages and personal
O Lord, O God of the universe, who exists before all ages and remains forever, creator of goodness, treasury of virtues, abundant in mercy and generosity, the owner of the kingdom who generously grants truth, justice, peace, and security. Your sun shines on the righteous and the wicked, and Your sustenance showers upon the virtuous and the
When people talk about love, they often refer to romantic and emotional relationships, but love goes beyond this framework to encompass several aspects, including self-love, love for others, and love for the entire world. At the top of these aspects is love for God Almighty.
A servant's love for their Lord makes them delight in