UAE Pro League announces 'The Best' monthly awards winners for May Bodour Al Qasimi, Minister of Culture visit Faya Palaeolandscape Mountains playing football – A Bouquet of Poems from Vietnam Week-long Sindhi Film Festival in Nagpur India Poetry is not a Romantic Luxury – Dr. Jernail Singh Anand Unforgettable Eid Concert: Hadise to Perform Live at Rixos Radamis Sharm El Sheikh ‘Only unpredictability is certain’ as climate extremes grip Pakistan The Weird Chemistry of Darkness
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


Unveiling Linguistic Heritage: Dravidian Influence on Marathi, Gujarati, Marwari, and Sindhi

Dravidian languages were once more prevalent across the Indian subcontinent before the diffusion of Indo-Aryan languages Following the decline of the Harappan Civilization, the invading Aryans established 16 Aryan kingdoms. Legend holds that Bharata, Rama’s half-brother, expanded his influence to the Gandhara kingdom, founding the

Exhibition of unique artifacts from Uzbekistan to open in London

Exhibition of unique artifacts from Uzbekistan titled ‘Silk Road’ will be held from September 2024 to March 2025 London The British Museum will organize exhibition of unique artifacts from Uzbekistan titled ‘Silk Road’ in London from September 2024 to March 2025. The British Museum is one of the oldest,

Book Review: Megacities of the Global South in the 2020’s

The book has been edited by Tasleem Shakur and Shayer Ghafur, and published by ‘Knowledgists without Borders’ People’s perception stems from their experience while they are growing up in a location, may it be a village, thana, sun-divisional town or a city. One who grew up in Dhaka observed a paltry 200,000 inhabitants in

Who are the frontrunners in Pakistan’s crucial elections?

Tough contest is expected between three mainstream political parties: Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan People’s Party A party needs to win 169 seats in the National Assembly, the 336-member lower house of Parliament, to form a government with simple majority KARACHI, Sindh,

Halal Fashion Show in Korea

A live event was held in Seoul in conjunction with 150 cities around the world A Halal Fashion Show was held in Dongdaemun on February 1st. This is the ‘K-FASHION and Modest Fashion Convergence and Marketing Seminar’. A live event was held in conjunction with 150 cities around the world. New York, London, Paris, Stockholm,