Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy MIRROR – Mystic Poetry from India A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea' I Chose a Dream! – Poetry from Albania One person dies from snake bite every 4-6 minutes worldwide: WHO Sindhi Colony: A Food Walk through the Mini India in Hyderabad’s Midst Jawaher Al Qasimi inaugurates TBHF-Aster Mobile Medical Services in Zanzibar
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


The 2nd Overseas Journalists Forum being held in Busan

“The 2nd Overseas Journalists Forum to Host the 2030 Busan World Expo”, co-hosted by The Kookje Daily News and Asia Journalist Association (AJA), sponsored by Busan Metropolitan City, will be held at the Busan Metropolitan City Council on May 31 2023. It is held to enhance the image of Busan as a global city ahead of the 4th BIE

Arabic Messages to the World

How do "we Arabs" know about the other, and how does the "non-Arab" other know about us? A simple question, but the answer requires multiple articles, even seminars, radio and TV interviews. It also necessitates organizing cultural conferences, with an audience comprising of both us Arabs and the other who speaks different

A Year Has Passed

Several days have passed since the anniversary of my uncle's departure, who was my beloved and my role model, the great writer Salah Montaser. Of course, these are just dates, and for me, it felt like hours of a long day filled with tears, the day of his death. Far be it from us to object to His divine decree; it is a short journey, as

"Mirror of Peoples"

The press is one of the means of communication between the masses, as it is the mirror of peoples, helping individuals to form public opinion on various matters and issues that arise in local and global society, whether politically or in other fields; by providing them with news, ideas, and developing public opinion among society members.

Naguib Mahfouz.. An Era of Literature

Since literature is not eaten like bread, as they say, and is poor in the face of inflation, Naguib Mahfouz chose to work in a clerical job at the university after graduation, giving him the opportunity to pursue his main hobby of literature, writing stories and novels, fully aware that novels are more controversial than any other literary