The Cultured Emotion Burma Sahib: How George Orwell Struggled With Racism, Colonialism, & His Indian Roots The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea
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Stupidity Will Remain a Personal Talent

On my way home from work yesterday, I was driving on a highway. I noticed a local dog trying to cross a five-lane road. By the time I saw him, he had already crossed three lanes and stood in the middle of the road, stepping two steps forward at times, then back three steps at other times. He repeated this thrice in a scene foretelling

Exchange and refund policy

If you want to buy something, you have to pay for its cost. You see something that you like to keep, you know you have to be ready with its price. You pay and then get what you like. What if, after a while, this purchased item is not up to your expectations? What if it disappoints you? You can easily exchange or refund it according to the

The Flying Fly

Today, I read this phrase: "If you are destined to survive a flood, accept that you will forever be afraid of water." About twenty-five years ago, I developed a problem with my eye; the vitreous body detached from the retina without retinal detachment, thanks to God. The consequence was that I began to see phantom images, like a

"Sudanese Cinema Crosses Barriers to Cannes Film Festival"

What's the secret of a country, which lacks elements of the film industry, being present in major global events, while another country with a cinema history of more than 120 years can't provide a single honorable representation? Here, I speak about Sudan, which this year participates in the most important international festival, the

A Year Has Passed

Several days have passed since the anniversary of my uncle's departure, who was my beloved and my role model, the great writer Salah Montaser. Of course, these are just dates, and for me, it felt like hours of a long day filled with tears, the day of his death. Far be it from us to object to His divine decree; it is a short journey, as