For You – Poetry from Thailand Bangladesh: History of Tanchangyas Minority MoHAP brings together experts, specialists to discuss future of healthcare workforce FIFA sets Club World Cup prize money at $1 billion NAS Obstacle Challenge Race kicks off on Thursday Travelogue: A Winter Adventure in Porto, Portugal Egyptian Poets and the WPM Poetry School Tatar Playwright Tufan Minnullin 90th Anniversary
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Ashraf Aboul-Yazid

Alexandra Ochirova’s Poetic Sequence: Heaven on earth - protected nature

Alexandra Ochirova presents her book (My Horizons) as if she were making a philosophical poetic statement with logic. This edition in Russian, English, and Arabic, which I had the amusement to translate, is part of the Silk Road Literature Series, a path perfectly represented by Alexandra Ochirova 's biography; she is a UNESCO Goodwill

The Medal of International Elitist Union of Public Diplomacy

The Kazakh writer and translator, Bakhit Rustamov, combines being a writer outside the local borders and a practitioner of popular diplomacy - acting an important role in friendship between the peoples of the world. I met him personally for the first time in Turkey at the Eurasian International Literary Festival (LIFFT), 2021.