Dead air now would make us remorseful – A Poem from Sudan For the lights of Dreams – Poetry from Albania Freezing Nature – Poetry from India The Sweetness of the Nineties The Man who brought Everest to Korea International Sindhi Pakorra Day Celebrated in Baroda Classic Water and Geometric Life – Poetry from Bangladesh A Sweeter Celebration of World Chocolate Day at Bab Al Qasr Hotel
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


Türkiye delivers electric wheelchairs to disabled people in Karachi

Karachi, Sindh Türkiye’s state-run aid organization Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) on Saturday provided electric wheelchairs to disabled people in Karachi, Pakistan’s southern port city and capital of Sindh province. At a ceremony to help empower physically and mentally challenged children and adults, 20

The relationship between Egyptian civilization and Korea

About 30 years ago, El-Sisi, the current Egyptian president, went to study at the Royal Army Staff College in England. He was an excellent officer who graduated from the Egyptian Military Academy. At that time, Major Kang Woong-sik, a member of the 37th Military Academy, also went to England for training. The two went to study at the Staff

Romania begins constructing its first AI research centre

The construction of Romania's first artificial intelligence research centre, a RON105 million investment, started on Friday at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN), the country's national news agency, AGERPRES, reported today. Attending the ceremony were the Romanian Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation Ivan

IUCC 2024 sheds light on AI therapy methods, boosts learning, research with VR and AR

The fourth edition of the Interdisciplinary Urology Care Consortium – IUCC 2024 commenced today and will run until 26th May 2024 at the Fairmont Bab Al Bahr in Abu Dhabi, with the participation of leading international doctors and lecturers under the theme" Transcending Therapies, Driving Technologies". The event highlights

Wooden Funerary Monuments in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Indus-Kohistan

Indus-Kohistan, a land of cultural heritage, boasts historic wooden mosques and intricately carved wooden coffins or grave railings, which are located in almost every old settlement. Indus-Kohistan, a land of cultural heritage, boasts historic wooden mosques and intricately carved wooden coffins or grave railings, which are located in