The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE
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Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh

The schools in Shikarpur were not just educational institutions but also architectural marvels, each with its unique character Before the partition of 1947, collective efforts from the Muslim and Hindu communities of Shikarpur led to the establishment of several educational institutions. This shared commitment to education was evident in


The techno-man is emerging as the villain who is proving a threat to the existence of nature, and God, and finally to his own existence. The issue of survival now is not only for man. It is for nature on one hand, and God on the other. The techno-man is emerging as the villain who is proving a threat to the existence of nature, and God,

Rasool Bukhsh Palijo – An Undying Beacon of Light – Part-1

Many battles are yet to be fought. We will not have Saeen Rasool Bukhsh Palijo physically present among us but his legacy, his undying spirit, his ever inspiring lessons, his institutional guidance and overall his ideals are very much here to provide the necessary stimuli for such battles Ambassador Muhammad Alam Brohi (On the occasion

An Ethical Hollow Haunts Academicians, Philosophers and Scholars

Only a sense of righteousness, rather a philosophy of right conduct can deliver mankind from the ethical hollow – Dr. Prasenjit Biswas Two books ‘The Master’s Voice’ and ‘Transformations’, selected poems and philosophical articles of Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, release globally Chandigarh, India

Yoni-Lingam symbols in Rock Art of Sindh

Presumably, the Yoni-lingam motifs were open-air temples in the mountainous region of Sindh Aziz Kingrani In Sindh, Rock carvings are more common in the hilly areas of the Khirthar mountain range, especially in the boundaries of Dadu district. The ancient rock carvings on the mountains of Sindh are unique from the rock carvings found in