Every moment is like a station
Offering a rich feast of options
But this luxury proves illusive.
Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, a renowned poet and writer from Chandigarh, India, shares his mystic poetry
Dr. Jernail S. Anand is a Chandigarh-based socialist campaigner, an ideologue who heads the International Academy of Ethics and authored 170 books. Winner of the international award Charter of Morava, his name is inscribed on Poets’ Rock in Serbia. A rare achievement for an Indian author, who was the only one to be honoured by the Serbian Writers Association after Rabindranath .Tagore 1926
Things we don’t want to do
We don’t do for long
The profusion of tracks
Is the prerogative
Of a station,
A voyage cannot afford
Such prosperity.
In the beginning,
Before we start out
We may be fiddling with
Jobs of indifferent nature
But we are quick
In throwing off the unwanted
And pursuing what we really like.
Every author after trying his hand
At different genres
Finally comes to settle
For poetry or prose
Fiction or non-fiction
We take up one track
And move on.
If we look forward.
Every moment is like a station
Offering a rich feast of options
But this luxury proves illusive
As soon as we move into
The body of a moment
And find it passing by and by.
There are two stories at work
One that actually takes place
And the other which keeps
The imagination of the actors worked up.
What finally happens is dictated by
Man’s will and if gods permit
But there is also a raging river
Of reveries.
Wishes, desires, passions,
And even faith
A narrative parallel to human fate.
I have visited this earth
And it’s epochs
And found men tumbling
From hope to hope, Pope to Pope.
The generation which believed
In the folk lore,
Has been laid by
And the new that has taken over
Believes in Fake Lore
Imagination which filled
Young minds with awe and beauty
And the charms of the known
And the unknown
Has been displaced by
The new world that is opening up
To you now is full of fuck lore
Intelligence goes for a spin,
Taken over by Antelligence
And excellence
Falls to excesselence
Just write you want to imagine
A home,
It is there with a lady
A few kids and a man
Everything is so nice,
So clean, so quick
What if it does not have life?
I wake from the deadly sleep.
I look around and find
Supernal beings descended on earth
Flirting and singing tales of eternal love.
Is it that I walked with eyes shut?
Or, is it that I had
Eyes bereft of sight?
Senses bereft of senses?
And a mind bereft of mind?
I fear
I have lived a death
And rare are the moments
When I lived my life.
Blinded of senses
Blinded of mind
Blinded of sight
Blinded of life
Now I realize HOWFOLD blind I am!
Published under International Cooperation with "Sindh Courier"