Recently, while I was talking to an acquaintance, the other person bragged to me about dates. “I'm a businessman who lived in the Middle East.” He sent me a picture of a date palm tree and explained it as a 'palm date'. I guess he knew I didn't know about dates. I can listen to related articles many times and give lectures on the date palm’s history, culture, characteristics of each country, etc…
Surprisingly, there are many Koreans who don't know date palms. Those who have never lived abroad or been to the Middle Eastern states or Arab regions don't know more.
Dates is also imported in Korea. Some are good quality but too expensive.
Some things are abandoned by locals or given as animal feed and are sold in Korea. They are from a place where there are not many trees in their own country.
Most Koreans don't know the quality of jujube, but they only do business. You can buy good quality products if you go to the airport in Abu Dhabi or the country where actual dates is produced. They are literally sweeter than honey.
Dates palm have a variety of different sizes, shapes and colors. And it's a symbolic fruit that cannot be missed in Middle Eastern or Arab food culture. It is also mentioned in the Bible more than 50 times. St. Mary, who was born in Jordan today, and Jesus, who was born as her son in Jerusalem, also ate dates. It's also in the Bible and also in the Qur'an.
Date palm is also a snack and a battle food. It was also an emergency food in the Silk Road era or marine Silk Road.
Mostly dried dates is for sale. But they sell it locally. At a restaurant or buffet restaurant in a luxury hotel, I had raw jujube fruit and it tastes like apple and jujube are mixed. Dried date palm fruit is similar to Northeast Asia's overgrown fruit, but has much higher sugar level. That's because it's produced in the desert where it rarely rains.
It's really amazing to see the Middle East’s date tree in a high status. The tall species can grow up to 30 m, and most of them have a lifespan of about a hundred years. The landscape of harvest rates by each country is also spectacular. Crushing dates with giant tools at once. And slowly drying in the field like a farmer who finished a camel. It's because of the strong belly fat, it's drying well and it's like chickenpox.
Because of high sugar level, you should not eat more than 3 at a time. Middle Eastern people eat date palm on their own. One or three is that way.
Even palm trees in the Bible are a type of date palm trees. Water species are specialized in the desert and there must be date palm trees near the oasis.
Sometimes there are things marked as palm trees in Korean books translated in the past, and it's an obvious error. Palm trees are also a hot fat crop, but they always grow in places with a lot of water, such as tropical squall, and are quite different species than jasmine trees. Palm trees need a lot of water so it is impossible to survive in a desert climate.
The reason why dates are used for traditional Korean weddings or homecoming is because it symbolizes the prosperity of children. The date palm of the Middle East also symbolizes Dasan, but it produces at least 500kg per bunch. They call it the 'tree of life'. Before sugarcane was passed down to the Middle East, date palm jellyfish was used like honey or sugar for thousands of years. Just as high as the sugar level.
Dates, which Prince Mansour of Abu Dhabi, especially likes, has various nutrients, contains carcinogenic properties, and is good for blood vessels. But those who do kidney dialysis should avoid other fruits. They should also eat dates only with their eyes.
When an Arab mother enters to give birth to her child, she eats three dates. And after having a baby she eats 3 more. It's a potion that gets energy, consumes it for a while, and relaxes your stomach. Even during Ramadan, after fasting in the daylight, eat jiggery before sunset, to make sure the defecation is dissolved. In the Middle East, the typical fruit that is widely consumed for every party, reception or as a gift is dates. Watermelons that consume a lot of water are less produced in the Middle East.
Big companies import dates and sell them in various large markets, but they are still on the expensive side. Dates is included in the 'Food You Must Eat before You Die', not to mention the grandmother's generation and there are rare people who have eaten dates from their parents' generation. It's the 21st century and more than 30 years have passed since overseas travel was liberated. But the majority of Koreans don't know about dates. Even their parents didn't know about date palm and passed away without eating a single date.
Approximately 10 years ago, my Jordanian friend sent me the best date palm by plane. I think I was 50kg. First of all, I sent it to the elderly in the house with a parcel, and I sent to my cousins and it was amazing. "Like a well-dried chicken, it has a good texture and a good taste." They praised. If my parents were still alive, I would have shown them the best taste of jadejujaja in real estate. It was a pity. They only worked hard and left the world without knowing that such a strange fruit existed in this world.
I need to figure out the tariffs on fruits. In fact, a stringed bird in the government can import jaggery in large numbers by preventing tax leaks.
First of all, I would like to give 1kg of rice per person to seniors over 70 years old. How about giving gifts of gratitude to the people who built Korea today with the taxes paid by the citizens?
If I were an asset owner, I would import as much as 1 billion won and pay a hand to the elders of the country. It's really unfair to come to Earth and live without knowing the date palm tree for the rest of your life.
There are local acquaintances in each country where jaggery is produced, so you can import any amount if you want. I want to make it easy for every citizen to try special fruit, not for the business level.
How about importing it directly and handing it over to the distribution center at a low price or selling it online at a low price? If you keep the price low, it's likely that you can sell for any amount. Then how much resistance is the existing date importers? Even if I'm in business, I don't necessarily want to pursue money. How much longer will we live if we do?