Do you know "Fahim the tailor"? Of course not. Nobody around him knows this name even though it's his official name on documents. But when you mention "Wad Jeddah", distances and explanatory phrases become succinct. This title,
A child is born vulnerable, impressionable, ready to be built up or torn down. If left to his natural instincts, he would emerge into the world whole and healed, capable of both attack and defense, and able to fulfill his essential needs smoothly, free
Contemplating the title of poet Mohammed Hisham's first anthology, "Then Water Did Not Come to Us," one promptly realizes that there's an implied context which the poet chose not to disclose, leaving it up to the readers of the
It's quite inconceivable for one to dwell upon their past sorrows, conflicts, hardships, and sufferings without realizing that there's always a way out or relief, no matter how long it might take. If there were a profound maturity in human
In enchanting Istanbul, the capital of imagination, while others might be relishing joy, the elegant lady wasn't sharing the same moment. She rushed miles without feeling the pleasure of arrival, or the beauty of standing before the river. Oh, the
Fehmi Ajvazi, an eminent author from Kosovo, has shared his book ‘In the Kingdom of Death’ published in Albanian in 2012 in Pristina, and in Romanian in 2019, and was translated from Albanian to English
Fehmi Ajvazi author
[In March 1999, the Serbian regime blanketed Kosovo with a contingent of 120,000 regular police, military, and civilian paramilitary forces. Just about two