The most important rule in the art of acting is the hypothetical "What if."
What if... I was Romeo or Juliet, for example,
With the presented physical, age-related, and psychological specifications...
What if... I was in this situation or that problem...
And so on... the hypothesis continues to its logical
In my recollection, I don’t remember the years of my life being smooth. They never were. Many doors remained shut, access was difficult, patience was stretched thin, and the end goals often seemed or still seem distant. Isn’t that the case for everyone's life?
Indeed, my friend, without the slightest doubt, it is!
Do you know "Fahim the tailor"? Of course not. Nobody around him knows this name even though it's his official name on documents. But when you mention "Wad Jeddah", distances and explanatory phrases become succinct. This title, which once was a mark of mockery and bullying, became unique to him.
The cover
A child is born vulnerable, impressionable, ready to be built up or torn down. If left to his natural instincts, he would emerge into the world whole and healed, capable of both attack and defense, and able to fulfill his essential needs smoothly, free from any psychological stress.
The traits of siblings often resemble one another due to
Contemplating the title of poet Mohammed Hisham's first anthology, "Then Water Did Not Come to Us," one promptly realizes that there's an implied context which the poet chose not to disclose, leaving it up to the readers of the collection to infer. What transpired before the word "then"?
Certainly, an event