The Cultured Emotion Burma Sahib: How George Orwell Struggled With Racism, Colonialism, & His Indian Roots The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea
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Sunset Oasis

Siwa Oasis, located 750 kilometers west of Cairo, is inhabited by content residents who appreciate the blessings bestowed upon them by Allah, such as the fruitful palm and olive groves and the healing waters of their natural and sulfur springs, flowing without hardship. The charming Egyptian oasis of Siwa is among the most famous winter

Analysis Laboratory -4-

The Canadian philosopher Alain Dunois says in his book "The System of Triviality": "Triviality has extended its rule over all parts of the world... The trivial have taken hold of the joints of power - as Alain Dunois puts it - and placed their hands on decision-making sites, and they now have the final say and the last word

I read for you "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo.

When he reached the age of fifty, Victor Hugo became a political refugee, causing much concern, confusion, and doubt within the French government due to his writings about freedom, state laws, and the power of those who deviate from them. The French government requested the Belgian government to deport him, and he was transferred by a ship to

Diaries of the 30th June 2013 Revolution.. (The Beginning)

After the January revolution, the country passed through many events until the presidential elections were held, and the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate Dr. Mohammad Morsi won. The masses were optimistic, awaiting stability, improved living conditions, and the return of security. But what happened during the full year was not what these

The Modern Utopia is in Stasis

The Modern Utopia has bestowed upon us a wealth of knowledge and technological advancements. It is a time of media saturation and technological marvels, where information flows abundantly from countless sources. It is an era that elicits appreciation and praise for the opportunities it provides. However, amidst this abundance, we must