A Sweeter Celebration of World Chocolate Day at Bab Al Qasr Hotel Starry Night – Poetry from Korea First 3-Day Family Mango Festival and Exhibition in Karachi Begins Today Abu Dhabi Hosts International Emmy® Awards Semi-Final Round of Judging in July Stardust – A Bouquet of Poems from the Greece The Lament of the Earth – A Bouquet of Poems from Kosovo Divine Determinants & the Illusion of Free Will Buddhist Rock Art of Diamer’s Thalpan
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The men have turned thankless to the Creator, and in their ingratitude, they are trolling Gods “After the original sin, men have committed a secondary sin also: in their pride, they have turned thankless to the Creator, and in their ingratitude, they are trolling Gods – Dr. Anand All is not well with the scions of Adam.


What is man’s relationship with himself, and the society he comes from, – is it honorable? Is it dignified? If not, leave your scriptures aside and go to the trees and animals. They will teach you what is living with honor, dignity and grace. What is man’s relationship with himself, and his society, and beyond the

‘Only unpredictability is certain’ as climate extremes grip Pakistan

Pakistan has gone from wettest April in history to a scorching heat wave that has pushed temperatures up to 53C – Pakistan has gone from wettest April in history to a scorching heat wave that has pushed temperatures up to 53C – Volatile weather is severely impacting agricultural sector, including production of prized

The Weird Chemistry of Darkness

Darkness has its own mystique and its own fantasies, notwithstanding the fact that darkness has always instilled fear in our hearts, and we consider light as an antidote to darkness. If we have eyes, and if still we can’t see This is Darkness and its weird chemistry- Dr. Anand If we revisit the story of the original

What Ignited but was not Extinguished – Poetry from Albania

What ignited but wasn’t extinguished, like a stream flowing into me, you embed yourself in my flesh, And I in you… through enchantments, we mesh! Asja Mulgeci, a poetess from Albania shares her three beautiful poems Asja Mulgeci was born on December 18, 1970 in Tropoja. She continued her higher studies after she got