When God's command came to His Prophet Abraham to migrate his wife Hagar and their infant son Ishmael to Mecca, leaving them in the desert where there was neither vegetation nor water, our master Abraham took the means and executed his Lord's command. He prayed to his Lord to care for them: "Our Lord, I have settled some of my
I learned that the rivers of love are not always safe. That the boats of relationships sailing on them increase their chances of sinking and collapsing the sweeter they become.
Whoever told you that love alone is sufficient, has deceived you. It might be the spark of the beginning, the start of the journey, but it can never stand alone
Choosing a title is not as easy as it seems. There are titles that present themselves immediately, and others that require a lot of mental exertion before we arrive at them. Perhaps, even after we arrive at them, we reconsider them once more.
For me, the title of my first novel, "Editor-in-Chief," was ready before I started
Without it, our lives turn into routine, colors fall around us, and everything becomes gray. The day begins without expectations and ends without achievements. Dreams fade, energy to get up every morning is exhausted, and we are haunted by the feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. We live without a motive that feeds our spirits and ignites our
One of the advantages of the film departments established in some universities is that they have provided the opportunity to discover fresh talent with innovative ideas, which may contribute to the change we desire in the form and content of our films. While participating in the evaluation of graduation projects of cinema department students