Dead air now would make us remorseful – A Poem from Sudan For the lights of Dreams – Poetry from Albania Freezing Nature – Poetry from India The Sweetness of the Nineties The Man who brought Everest to Korea International Sindhi Pakorra Day Celebrated in Baroda Classic Water and Geometric Life – Poetry from Bangladesh A Sweeter Celebration of World Chocolate Day at Bab Al Qasr Hotel
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


Dreams and Achievements...

The celebration of Saudi National Day invokes connections and intricate relations between past, present, and a shared future. These connections span heritage, trade, construction, innovation, creativity, coordination, and shared visions, as well as cooperation and openness to the world at large. Love, prosperity, and optimism for the future

Don't be like "Pavlov's Dog"!!

The Hollywood film industry has notably increased its production of movies about environmental and health disasters, as well as extraterrestrial and strange beings, especially since the mid-80s. Such big-budget productions have become a staple on their agenda. For those unaware, and lest they be shocked, movie production has transformed

Global Literary Actions for Free Africa by World Poetry Movement

For centuries, the African continent has suffered from the slave trade and colonialism, and it still suffering from the absence of democracy and civil wars, and today it is going through an ordeal of military coups and environmental disasters; a scene that requires word guardians to move. Our world is experiencing a wave of human rights

Africa: An Economic Bloc

Egypt's attendance at the G20 summit in India opens the door to new partnerships; enhancing the economic growth of Egypt and Africa. The summit reflects Cairo's pioneering role in the African and Middle East regions, and globally. It represents an opportunity for a large number of bilateral meetings with many countries that

Egyptian Diplomacy

"BRICS" is an economic group comprising of Russia, Brazil, China, India, and South Africa; negotiations for its formation began in 2006 and the first summit was held in 2009. Initially, the group included Brazil, Russia, India, and China, under the name "BRIC"; then, in 2011, South Africa joined, making it